Download the free Project Milestone Template in excel , complete the most important dates of your projects and share it with your team or with your client.
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The template has a box with 4 columns where you have to enter the data, dates, the name of each milestone, the person or team assigned to complete it and the position (this is a data to graph the data)
The template is a great visual aid, since you can quickly see a timeline with each of the milestones of your projects. The project timeline chart shows the important dates recorded chronologically, duration bars for each task, milestones, and deliverables of your project deliverables. ¡ Download the Project Milestone Template for free in excel!
The template is very simple and intuitive and you can change the settings, such as the background color, type, size and font color.
This template is made in simple Excel, it does not require you to have knowledge of pivot tables or programming. Excel project milestone template can be used by anyone who knows MS Excel basic or intermediate. If you need to learn or review the operation of MS Excel, you can watch some very well explained videos from the Microsoft Office Support website.
Features of the Excel Project Milestone Template:
- 100% editable in MS Excel, you can include additional data
- 1 editable books for data entry (milestones, dates, responsible)
- Editable file in any version of MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx) and exportable in PDF or the format you want.
Download many free templates in editable MS Excel format and use it in any personal or professional project. We have no restrictions on use, we only ask you to mention us in your publications or on your social networks. You can also download thousands of free PowerPoint and Word templates.